We’re multiplying your donations to create more opportunities.
Our community has seen United Way of Anchorage create positive change, and many of our fellow community members choose to support our work. Donations enable us to research, promote and enact solutions focused on education, financial stability and health. In fiscal year 2023, we invested $10.7 million in our community to improve lives. With your support, this year we can do even more.
Recent successes
Why should you support United Way? We’ve had many accomplishments in our history and during our last completed fiscal year, which was 2023. Learn more. These successes were made possible by community members who United to help everyone have opportunities to thrive.
Future opportunities
With your help, we will continue to be here for our community—in moments of crisis and for the long haul. When we Unite, we can help solve our community’s most pressing challenges. Together, we can reach higher to lift up everyone.
Give with a donor advised fund.
People with a donor advised fund (DAF) at Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable or BNY Mellon can use DAF Direct to recommend grants.