Landlord Housing Partnership assists landlords who rent to community members with past evictions, poor credit histories or criminal records. The tenants receive case management services from health and social service nonprofits. Opportunities for both are growing.
Overcoming barriers
Anchorage has few housing options, but landlords can help others overcome housing barriers. Sometimes tenants need support to help people secure and keep housing. Landlords receive resources to make rental units available for people exiting homelessness.
Achieving stability
Having experienced homelessness can complicate leasing rental units. We offer landlords financial backstops and incentives to sign and keep leases. All participants can access neutral, mutually beneficial spaces to communicate and third-party case management if issues arise.
Submit a landlord inquiry form.
Are you a landlord with rental units?
Fill out this form to inquire about joining our partnership. We’ll help you advertise your vacant rental units on PadMission, which is is a free database viewable to social services providers. We'll connect you with possible tenants, who you'll review and accept based on your needs and preferences. Once matched, we'll supply you with financial incentives and ongoing support as your tenant achieves housing stability.