We’re reaching higher to lift up everyone in our community.
We collaborate with partners, donors, residents and you. Working together, we’re creating and funding solutions around a common vision so we all have opportunities to thrive. We amplify our impact by using our resources to make strategic investments in our community.
Guides and goals
What guides us?
OUR VISION: Anchorage is a diverse, vibrant community where everyone can achieve their potential.
OUR MISSION: We Unite caring people to give, volunteer and take action to remove barriers to opportunities and solve our community’s toughest challenges.
OUR DIVERSITY: Achieve more inclusion and equality by convening diverse people and perspectives. Read our statement on diversity.
OUR VALUES: Leadership. Collaboration. Results-Focused. Stewardship. Equity.
OUR FOCUS: Education. Financial Stability. Health.
What are our goals?
In 2022, we evaluated what motivates us and set five-year goals:
- Build partnerships for a thriving community.
- Lead a collaborative community impact agenda.
- Collect and share data to drive measurable change.
- Raise and make strategic investments to maximize our impact.
- Be an outstanding place to work and volunteer.
Longevity and legacies
How long have we been in Anchorage?
Since 1956, we have been a community convener to support nonprofits that address Anchorage’s toughest challenges. Since then, we’ve enhanced our role as a partner, convener, information sharer, funder, collaborator, innovator and leader.
What are some of our legacies?
We have improved lives in our community for almost 70 years by tackling tough challenges. Our work includes collaborating, fundraising, advocating and raising awareness in our community along with convening voices and leading conversations that help us to identify and solve issues related to education, financial stability and health.
Our efforts have helped create, incubate or launch the following community programs:
- Anchorage Project Access
- Back on Track
- Best Beginnings
- Bridge Builders of Anchorage
- Leadership Anchorage
- The Foraker Group
- Success by 6
Recent successes
Our community campaigns fuel the work we undertake. When they succeed, we can extend our reach to more community members and break down more barriers to opportunities as they relate to education, financial stability and health. Some of that work reveals itself in the form of our statewide helplines and housing supports. Here you’ll find a recap of our achievements in fiscal year 2023.
community campaigns
- Raised $3.88 million during our last Community Campaign
- Distributed $1.17 million to 32 funded nonprofit partners throughout Alaska
- Donors designated $444,000 to Alaska nonprofits in good standing
Education, financial stability and health
- 1,145 individuals and families enrolled in affordable health insurance
- More than 600 students received academic support and wraparound services
- 15 local leaders joined our Community Impact Advisory Team
- 28,906 calls answered by our Alaska 211 community-resource specialists
- 6,957 online database searches completed on Alaska 211’s website
- 34,450 connections provided to Alaskans who need help
- 75 people secured housing with Home for Good
- 57 people signed leases thanks to our Landlord Housing Partnership
- 9 households kept their rental units through Eviction Diversion