your Social Media rallIES your employees and clients to our work.
Sharing on social media shows your workplace’s commitment to improving access to education, financial security and health. We’ve got graphics you can download and post. If you have questions, email us at or call (907) 263-3828.
You can use these files as profile images on your Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. You can also share them in posts or stories.
Call to action
This red graphic says, “AMPLIFY Impact for our COMMUNITY.” (It’s perfect for statewide usage.)
Live United
This blue graphic says, “When we LIVE UNITED, we AMPLIFY IMPACT for all Anchorage residents.”
Announce support
This blue graphic says, “I’m Amplifying my Impact by supporting United Way of Anchorage.”
You can use these files as banners on your Facebook and LinkedIn accounts.
Community Campaign focus
This banner displays our Community Campaign logo and is great for LinkedIn accounts.
United Way focus
This banner combines our United Way logo and our Community Campaign logo. It’s best for Facebook accounts.