A family in South Anchorage is struggling to pay a utility bill, a senior in Fairbanks needs help with transportation to a medical appointment, a family in Kenai is months behind in the rent, a parent in Mat-Su needs to find childcare.
“Call 2-1-1” — has long been the answer for Alaskans seeking help–and never more so than this past year.
That’s more than a three-and-a-half-fold increase.
It’s little wonder that Alaska 2-1-1 staff were classified as essential workers from the start of the COVID pandemic. They were called upon by both the Municipality of Anchorage and the State of Alaska to be the official go-to source for information for anything from medical and public health questions to the many needs of our community because of the steep economic decline.
Alaska 2-1-1 became the portal for Alaskans to access millions of dollars in vital CARES Act rent, mortgage, and utility assistance; help with child-care assistance; open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act and access to Free Tax Prep, which funnels millions in tax credits and refunds to low- and moderate-income families in Anchorage.
Alaska 2-1-1’s rise to the challenge of the pandemic was 13 years in the making. The building of our referral lists and getting to know our partners, the generous grantors, and donors over the years, the public officials with whom we’ve joined hands to be there for Alaskans didn’t just coalesce overnight. The long-range work that many of you have supported has also paid off in a swift response to the virus, a response that has keep many of our neighbors afloat.